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Business Partners
This is a Lifetime membership
This membership includes Unlimited member slot(s)

If you provide products or services to community associations, CAI can give you direct access to thousands of potential customers. Membership also provides opportunities to enhance current client relationships, and information to help you succeed in the growing community association marketplace. You will gain a network of industry colleagues and a variety of benefits and services designed to meet your specific and unique needs.

CAI Business Partner members include attorneys, accountants, insurance professionals, reserve providers, bankers and lenders, builder/developers, realtors, software providers, landscapers, roofers and others.

Whether you have been a CAI member for years or you've just joined, we have the tools and opportunities that can help you grow your business.

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・one upper case letter
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・8 characters minimum
・one upper case letter
・one lower case letter
・one number
・one special character (@$!%*?&)
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