Event Details
UCCAI is supporting a blood drive on behalf of the Lindon, Utah Community and Quinn Danielson - a 5 year old recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma.
UCCAI will be there from 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 23, 2024.
Please consider participating and joining us there as a Chapter.
Please sign up for a time to donate blood HERE or you can show up that day and join us as a Chapter to offer our support to the family and community. You can let us know you are coming by REGISTERING - we would love to see you!
Lindon Utah West Stake Center
250 West 600 South
Lindon, Utah
We look forward to meeting with you there and showing our combined support.
Thank you for your generosity...Every donation counts!
See the attached flyer for more information about Quinn Danielson and the great need for blood donations.